Here and There, Loving You Always
Here and There, Loving You Always, is a children's book that communicates the love of birth and adoptive parents. Every child deserves to know that they are loved. No matter the family dynamic, the words ‘given up’ should never be used. Instead, an adopted child should know and understand for themselves that they are loved by their birth parents, as well as their adoptive parents, even if from afar. Each set of adoptive parents is chosen to raise a child, or even a group of children or siblings, for a multitude of reasons.
Though not every birth parent may be actively involved in the child’s life, the child should always feel love regardless of capacity. This book targets the 4-7-year-old age group, as they can read it on their own. Just about every person around us has, is, or will be touched by the gift of adoption in the future. Any person of any age can be moved by the brilliant colors of the illustrations and emotions conveyed in the rhythmic text.
Hardcover: 56 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 194158067X
ISBN-13: 978-1941580677
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 0.3 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pound