Compass by Dr. Ursula Bell is one of the best Parenting Books with 10 Parenting Principles for Guiding Girls into Becoming Adults and Parental Guidance on How to Raise Girls into Empowered Adults.
Parenthood and female youth are two diverse stages in life. While parents and their children sit from unique vantage points, their experiences are similar in one way - with each day comes a new challenge that calls for a fresh roadmap, a seasoned navigator and a new Compass. In this heart-warming and well-informed parental guide, Dr. Bell uses ten key principles to open up transformational and necessary conversations that will navigate parents and their daughters through a plethora of every day, modern challenges together as a family, including:
Zero Tolerance policies to encourage academic performance -- and enjoyment
Navigation of friendships as the RESPECTFUL Best Friend
Conversations around the effects of Underage Drinking
Four ways to combat and Speak Up Against Bullying
Discipline using Positive Reinforcement as a bridge
This book is a bank of wisdom gleaned from research, evidence-based literature, and experiential factors. Each story shared in this book by a daughter, family friend or colleague is meant to add a touch of reality and humanity to these principles, lifting them off the pages and into your daily life. Most importantly, each conversation is led to promote intentionality. Adolescence is a formative period for parents to guide their daughters through life’s choices with purpose. With seven sections dedicated to developing young girls into wise, well-equipped and empowered adults, Compass serves as every parent’s go-to for navigating this transitional period.
Page Count: 380
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.06 pound
Printed Formats: Paperback